

1. 金融信托公司的英文怎么说

[词典]    [法]                                                                        financial trust company;                                                                                                                                      
Be a special financial business enterprise, the trust company totally differs from others in function, market orientation and business scope.


2. 信托英文


1.我们的费用视信托金额而定。Our fees depend on the value of the trust.
2.乔治是约翰·本尼特信托公司的一名公关主管。George is a public relations officer for The John Bennett Trust.

3.他们掌握了足够的证据控告董事违犯信托责任。They have a case against their directors for breach of fiduciary duty.

3. 信托投资公司的英文怎么说

信托投资公司的英文:1. [Finance] unit trust
finance是什么意思:n. 资金;财政,金融,财政学v. 筹措资金;负担经费Are the firm's finances sound?这家公司的财务状况可靠吗?She's an expert in finance.她是个理财专家。We are financing for the housing project. 我们在为供给住宅计划筹措资金。unit是什么意思:n. 单位,单元;装置;部件;部队;单位数Expand the patriotic united front and unite with all forces that can be united.  壮大爱国统一战线,团结一切可以团结的力量。The conception of the United Nations was in 1945. 联合国创始于一九四五年。The meter reads 5500 units.仪表标明为5500单位。trust是什么意思:n. 信任,信赖;责任;信托;照管;托拉斯;信托基金机构v. 信任,信赖;确信;依赖;期待;盼望;赊给;托付;对…有信心;对…放心In trust as an escrow.根据协议由第三者暂为保管 It is an equal failing to trust everybody and trust nobody信任任何人和不信任任何人,同样是缺点Trust this certificate even though it does not have a trusted issuer.即使此证书的发行者不可信,仍要信任此证书。
